25  Additional Resources

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25.2 Resources for Text Analysis in Hebrew

Shapira, N., Atzil-Slonim, D., Juravski, D., Baruch, M., Stolowicz-Melman, D., Paz, A., Alfi-Yogev, T., Azoulay, R., Singer, A., Revivo, M., Dahbash, C., Dayan, L., Naim, T., Gez, L., Yanai, B., Maman, A., Nadaf, A., Sarfati, E., Baloum, A., … Goldberg, Y. (2021). Hebrew psychological lexicons. In N. Goharian, P. Resnik, A. Yates, M. Ireland, K. Niederhoffer, & R. Resnik (Eds.), Proceedings of the seventh workshop on computational linguistics and clinical psychology: Improving access (pp. 55–69). Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2021.clpsych-1.6