6  Additional Resources for Data Visualization

6.1 General Data Visualization Materials

6.2 Advanced Methods

  • Coloring in R’s blind spot: Tutorial introducing more than 100 palettes now included with base R, as well as functions for manipulating colors (used in multiple visualizations in this chapter)
  • ggnewscale: An intuitive method for incorporating multiple color scales in a single ggplot2 graphic (used in multiple visualizations in this chapter)
  • ggrepel: Tools for avoiding overlapping text labels in ggplot2 (used in multiple visualizations in this chapter)
  • gganimate: A principled approach to animating with ggplot2
  • ggiraph: Dynamic and interactive html graphics for ggplot2
  • ggforce: Various advanced shapes, lines, scales, and plot types for ggplot2
  • ggborderline Lines that pop in ggplot2 (used in multiple visualizations in this chapter)
  • rayshader: Cinematic 3D graphics for ggplot2

6.3 Packages for Unusual Plot Types

Additional ggplot2 extensions can be found here.